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A member registered Aug 17, 2020

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This game is certainly very engaging with the amount of options that is available. I will be playing this game for quite some time. However, I think as many have commented before, a walkthrough/guide would be nice due to the amount of choices that are available. Looking forward to your sequel and if it is as good as this, I will definitely support you on Pateron when I start working properly.

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  I am getting this error when I choose Zac for the shower scene, it just completely crashes the game.

Glad to see that you are back, I loved your art style on the characters. :)

here's hoping for Rask route next update

I sadly cannot donate, but if you do put a price on the finished game I am willing to pay for it

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the bartender cant be clicked after finishing the minigame to get the photo, i went in the bar from the map and the first thing was to do the minigame for the photo, afterwards i did the talking and than i went to devilzon to get the item to send it over. after that nothing else can be clicked

game is good, i played till round 80 where i can 2 shot the bigger enemies and 1 shot the smaller enemies

I cant get to scene 4, I have sent the item from devilzon and did the minigame for the bar to save the photo, but after that I got nothing to do and nothing to click

I personally preferred the old Rask sprite overall, the new sprite feels like his clothes are too 'baggy'/oversized, which doesn't really fit him